I was pretty sad about the boy going to school, it's just been me and him the last three years while the girl was in school. It was sad dropping him off the first day, I surprisingly didn't bawl my eyes out.......until I was in the car by myself lol. My babies are growing up and it hurts my poor Mama heart. It's been SO weird to have so much time to ourselves, we haven't had that much in the last 8 years, it's been nice though.
I actually haven't been in the mood much for nails or anything else hobby wise. I have these big plans to do some re organizing of my scrapbook area and go through my boxes of photos that need to be either put in albums or organized but that hasn't happened yet. I still have plenty of time for that though.
I've really neglected my nails the last few weeks. I had planned on doing this 31 day Challenge going around the nail blogs but I got through day 1 and decided I didn't want to paint my nails every single day for a month. I don't know what's going on with my hands and cuticles but they have been SO dry. I have this hoof and nail lotion that I've been using for a while and it's always done great but all of a sudden it just isn't doing it's job. My cuticles just look dry and they've been cracking and splitting. I've even been putting Olive oil on my cuticles every night and they still look like crap. I'm thinking I need to stop using pure acetone remover so much, I'm sure that's not helping.
Anyhoo, I'm starting to ramble so I'll leave with a few nail pics.
I know I say this a lot, but don't judge me for my crappy cell pics lol I'm working on that :D
This was my Day 1 of the 31 Challenge, it was red. It's Curator's Crimson by Finger Paints, it's a gorgeous creme Red. I love me some reds! I have an accent nail but you can't really see it in this pic. But it's stamped from BM11 plate. Like I said, you can't see it but it's there. lol

I did this next one today and I'm loving it. I freaking LOVE this blue, it's NYC Skin Tight Denim. I used the BM11 stamping plate for this one too and stamped with Pure Ice Silver Mercedes. Blue and silver look so good together in my opinion.

I also had to do a cut down on my nails a few days ago too, they're longer in the red. They're pretty much nubs right now. :(
Hope everyone is having a spectacular week, be good! :)