I absolutely love the song "Last Friday Night" by Katy Perry right now. The video is really what does it for me though, it's just great. You can't go wrong with 80's neon, big hair and Corey Feldman. The 80's were the best! I remember Debbie Gibson and Electric Youth, I even had some Debbie Gibson perfume. And I definitely can't forget the New Kids on the Block. I STILL love them, they were my very first concert and at 9 years old I cried my eyes out when my Mom gave me my ticket. I'm not going to lie, I got to see them a couple of years ago too and I got a little teary eyed when they got on stage. It was amazing, but apparently I could never Hang tough.
So anyways, I digress...Katy Perry! She's so cute and her video for Last Friday Night rocks my socks off and inspired me with her outfit. I think Kathy Beth Terry would be proud. ;)
I used Sinful colors 24/7, Pure Ice Wild thing and Pure Ice Black rage.