I used the directions from The Hybrid Chick's, The Digi Nails-A Hybrid Manicure blog post. She printed some digital scrapbook paper and use that on her nails and it looks really cool. I wanted to keep with the newspaper feel that I see a lot of and printed out a piece from the Shakespeare Sonnet "A Lover's Complaint". I also flipped it in MS Word so it would apply the right way onto my nails so you can read it instead of being a backwards like you get from newspaper print.
I really think it's pretty cool. It's actually a little bit more work than I expected, but it's not difficult by any means.

I used Sally Hansen Salon Manicures "Commander In Chic" as my base color.

I really love this design, I would like to do one from a comic strip, I think that would be totally cute.
What do you think? Have you ever tried this before? I hope you enjoyed the post today, I'd love to hear about your experience with this technique if you've tried it.