Hey y'all! I HAVE to share the awesome find my husband came across today at a rummage sale. He found me a Layla Holographic for...wait for it....ONE DOLLAR! $1, can you believe that? I can't believe someone wanted to get rid of this little beauty. Their loss, is my gain though. I have been wanting a Layla holo since I first saw them but being the cheap ass I am, I just couldn't bring myself to spend the $15 on it. After putting this baby on though, I will be getting the other colors I want even if I have to sell one of my kids to do it. Just kidding....maybe.
The one he got is Ultra Violet. O.M.G!!! It's memorizing and it's officially my new favorite polish.
He did find a few more polishes too. I got Orly Opposites Attract, which is a magnetic polish, the Layla Holo, and Red Carpet Camera Flash. I don't have a UV light for the Red Carpet but he didn't know you needed one for that, he just saw it was pretty and thought I'd like it :). I have the best husband ever, I'm just sayin'!
The one he got is Ultra Violet. O.M.G!!! It's memorizing and it's officially my new favorite polish.
I would marry this polish if it were legal.
He did find a few more polishes too. I got Orly Opposites Attract, which is a magnetic polish, the Layla Holo, and Red Carpet Camera Flash. I don't have a UV light for the Red Carpet but he didn't know you needed one for that, he just saw it was pretty and thought I'd like it :). I have the best husband ever, I'm just sayin'!