Hey y'all! I had this idea rolling around in my head for a few days for zombie skin nails and finally made it happen today. I practiced on a false nail first and it came out exactly as I had hoped but it wasn't quite how I wanted it on my actual nails. I still think it turned out pretty cool though. I did the main design using the spray water marble technique. What do you think?
My pinky is my favorite, it turned out the best. The other fingers just look like I did splatter or something.
Here's a step by step gif when I was practicing on the tip. I started out using a lighter gray polish and then randomly sponged a darker gray to give it a little bit more depth. After the sponging I did the spray marble using the red first and then again with the black. Then I finished it off with a matte top coat.
I am pretty pleased with how it all turned out. I think I need to practice more with the spray marble. I used hair spray and sometimes it would spread right and sometimes it wouldn't. I guess once the water gets too contaminated with the hair spray it just doesn't work as well.
Shortly after doing this I ended up having to cut my nails down because they were all breaking. I'm sporting super nubs right now and it really sucks. Right before Halloween too :/ I hope they grow out a little bit so I can have super awesome nails with my costume. My costume is going to be the bomb.com. I did a practice run on makeup and will be posting that in a few days so stayed tuned!
Hope everyone is having a great week and I hope you enjoyed my post tonight! XOXO